Ladies! If you need some time out, a place to reflect or a spot to learn a few things, the Wamuran Women’s Shed might be just what you’re looking for.
It all began in 2022 when the founders realised a space was needed for women in the community who both want and need somewhere to gather away from the busy grind of everyday life.
Darlene Burton has been a member for nearly three years and speaks very highly of the welcoming atmosphere of the group.
“After a difficult time in my life, I found myself in a situation where I needed more interaction,” Darlene said. “I came across some information about the group on Facebook and decided to join.
“You can either contribute or just take some time for yourself. You can go in there and just sit with other ladies and chat or keep yourself busy with activities, it’s just such a warm, welcoming place. One of the things I’ve learnt from my time at the shed so far is that I’m not the only person in this type of situation and it’s nice to know that you aren’t alone.”
Discover the Wamuran Women’s Shed for Support, Activities, and Connection

Every Monday is a ‘drop in’ day to find out about upcoming events and activities. Members can also bring along projects they may be working on or join in the fun of helping with crafty items for fundraisers. Other activities include brunches, lunches, line dancing, gardening (they have a connection with Bunnings) or even group outings to locations further afield. The group also has a coffee van named Wanda to use for functions.
For Darlene, knowing she has the support of the Wamuran Women’s Shed has helped her continue her journey to finding her feet again.
“I think for me, I would have found myself feeling more depressed without this group,” she said. “They were able to help me with a counsellor and it was great being able to reach out and have the support there.
“For anyone out there that’s looking for a group like the shed, give it a go and if you find it works out for you, it truly is worth it.”
Women of all ages are welcome to join the Wamuran Women’s Shed. They meet at the Wamuran Sports Complex Hall at 84 Campbells Pocket Road, Wamuran.
For further information about the group and membership, visit Wamuran Women’s Shed website.
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