What an incredible winter’s fishing we have had this year due to the offshore winds. The snapper and pearl perch have been caught in good numbers on the reefs off Caloundra and Mooloolaba.
Check out the size of this large 60 cm pearl perch that young Max Howard caught off Mooloolaba prior to the snapper and pearl perch closure. Remember the closure doesn’t end until 15 August. So in the meantime, tailor are everywhere around Moreton Island and the bay.

The inshore reefs in Bramble Bay, Shield Street and Scarborough are producing reasonable catches – check out young Josh Adinmo’s catch of tailor whilst fishing for snapper before the closure.
Best Times To Go Fishing in Moreton Bay
August and September are the best times of the year to take your kids or grandkids out for a fish, with great catches of diver whiting drifting in front of the Scarborough Boat Harbour and also off the Bribie Cockle Banks. QAFCA, SQAFCA and I are turning it on for our young juniors for the next five weeks from 3-10 August.
The Junior State Titles are on in Bundaberg on 17 August, and the second round of the SQAFCA Open Beach is on Moreton Island for our juniors. On 28August, all children under the age of 14 can compete in the Moreton Island Classic.
Finally, on 7 September there’s the School Children Junior Competition at Tangalooma. So, we are spending a lot of time and money on the growth of our sport.
Also, a big thank you to Queensland Fisheries for funding the School Children Competition. Give a child a fish and he eats for a day, teach a child to fish and he eats for life.
Check out the Facebook pages for the Moreton Island Classic 2024 and the Junior Anglers Association for more information.
Stay warm and safe out on the water.
Read more stories from The Caboolture Guide print magazine here:
- Caboolture Connect: Updates from the Community
- What’s Hot Around Town
- Miniature Horses BIG on Cuteness
- It Makes Cents to Raise Funds
- DagFest – the Aussiest Musical Festival Ever!
- From Cotton to Sugar: The Evolution of George Raff’s Morayfield Plantation
- Fun and Games at Heritage Day
- Meet Costa at Eco Fest
- Jumping Into a Playground of Nature
- Such Is Life for An Artist
- Celebrating 70 Years of Serving the Community
- Morayfield to Benefit From $7 Million Road Upgrade
- It’s All In the Bag
- What’s Old Is Now New Again